Ever been scrolling through texts or social media and seen “STG” pop up? The first time I saw it, I thought, What on earth does that mean?! Don’t worry – you’re not alone. Let me walk you through it.

What Does STG Mean in Slang?

STG is short for “Swear to God”. It’s what people say (or type) when they want to prove they’re telling the truth or emphasize something important. Honestly, it’s like saying, I’m serious, you gotta believe me! but without all the extra typing.

Here’s how it works:

  • “STG, I didn’t eat the last slice of pizza!”
  • “That show was amazing, STG I binged the whole thing in one night.”

See what I mean? It’s casual, quick, and has a bit of punch.

Where Did STG Come From?

STG didn’t just appear out of thin air. The phrase “Swear to God” has been around forever. Okay, maybe not forever, but at least since people started swearing on something sacred to prove they weren’t lying.

The short form STG probably popped up in the early 2000s. Back then, we were all typing on old flip phones with T9 texting (remember those?). Saving time and characters was everything, so phrases got shortened – like “Swear to God” becoming STG.

How to Use STG in Texts (With Real-Life Examples)

If you’re wondering how to drop STG in a text, don’t overthink it. It works best in casual chats where you want to show you’re serious (or just being dramatic for fun).

Here are a few examples:

When You’re Defending Yourself – “STG, I didn’t know the meeting was today!”

When You’re Emphasizing Something Cool – “STG, this is the best burger I’ve had all year.”

When You’re Fed Up – “STG, my WiFi hates me today. I can’t even load one page.”

When You’re Making a Promise – “I’ll pay you back tomorrow, STG.”

    Trust me, once you start using it, it just fits.

    Similar Slang Terms You Should Know

    If you’re throwing around STG, here are a few other terms to mix things up:

    • FR – “For Real,” like saying “I mean it!”
    • NO CAP – “No Lie,” for when you’re keeping it 100% honest.
    • OMG – “Oh My God,” perfect for surprise or excitement.
    • TBH – “To Be Honest,” usually when sharing your true opinion.

    They all help you sound more casual and in the loop. Plus, they save you time while texting.

    Here’s the thing – slang like STG is everywhere. Whether you’re texting your best friend, venting about something, or hyping up a new show, STG has your back. It’s short, snappy, and tells people, “I’m not messing around.”

    So next time you want to add some punch to your messages, just say STG. Seriously, you’ll sound like you know what’s up.

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